Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale: l'Europa investe nelle zone rurali




The Marzemino di Refrontolo, today Refrontolo Passito, is almost hidden in the great sea of vineyards in the area of production of Prosecco.
The origins of the Marzemino are lost in time, vague and controversial. It is believed that the same vine became popular, due to the work of Roman settlers in Carinthia taking the name from Marzimin, a village in the region, and that from this area, cultivation extended to the Veneto regions.
In the XV century the Marzemino was known throughout the Po Valley and in Friuli; in the Adige valley it was introduced by the militia of the Republic of Venice during the time of its maximum expansion. It was known by different local names: Marzemina, Bergemino, Berzemino, Barzemin, Marzemino.
In the following centuries, from Vallagarina the Marzemino reached the courts of Innsbruck and Vienna. Today, many varieties of this variety have disappeared, especially as a result of aggressive attacks of "iodine" and only the best selections have remained that result in excellent dry wines in Trentino, in Vallagarina, and in the Grave del Friuli; a sweet wine sparkling in Treviso, in the area of Refrontolo, where the grapes are withered on racks until Christmas.
Here vines have been cultivated for 700 years, a sign at the entrance to the village of Refrontolo informs. In the past the Dogi and Popes would travel here to acquire their supplies..

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